Course Description

Please note that this training is being rescheduled for early 2025. Join our mailing list to be sure you're informed when registration reopens!

Phase 1: History Taking and Phase 2: Preparation/Resourcing, are two of the most important phases in EMDR standard protocol, yet their richness and nuance is often missed. For many EMDR practitioners, these phases become something to “check off the list” before getting to reprocessing. 

In this two-day training, we will explore the intricacies of phases 1 and 2 and how the dance between these important phases set the stage for solid EMDR reprocessing.  We will provide an overview for conceptualizing and identifying individualized resourcing needs of clients,  and creative ways to meet those needs, building adaptive information in preparation for EMDR reprocessing phases. 

Registration Deadline: November 6, 2024

This course takes place live on Zoom. Check out this link for Zoom requirements.

For more information on our work at The Touchstone Institute, visit our website.

Course Overview

  • Live Interactive Workshop on Zoom

    November 7th and 8th, 2024 from 11am - 6:30pm EST

  • Prerequisites

    EMDR Basic Training

  • CE Credits

    This workshop offers 12 CEs. Please see CE section below for more details about specific coverage.

The Prerequisite:

Get EMDR Trained

Join Dr. Mara Tesler Stein and other perinatal mental health practitioners for Foundational EMDR Therapy Training utilizing The Touchstone Institute's EMDRIA-Approved curriculum.

Note on Accessibility:

We include captions in all of our live and self-paced trainings. If there is anything else you need to make our trainings accessible to you, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We recognize that every person has access needs and we are happy to do everything we can to meet yours.


Heidi Roselle, LPCC, PMH-C

Heidi Roselle, LPCC, PMH-C (she/her) is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, EDMRIA Approved Consultant, registered school counselor, and experienced Perinatal Mental Health Clinician. Heidi considers herself to be an “EMDR purist” who has been using EMDR therapy as her theoretical orientation and treatment modality since her very first day as an associate in clinical practice. Always circling back to EMDR as her theoretical framework, Heidi has also chosen to specialize in additional treatment areas to enhance her EMDR practice. Specifically, she earned her Perinatal Mental Health Clinician specialty through Postpartum Support International. In 2023, Heidi and her colleagues presented on “EMDR during the perinatal period” at the annual EMDRIA conference in Arlington, Virginia. Most recently, Heidi has expanded her understanding of the boundless healing possibilities of EMDR therapy, by incorporating transpersonal and decolonial perspectives into her practice. Through this lens, Heidi understands that profound relief of emotional, psychological and even physical pain can be achieved through reprocessing trauma which stems from (often violent) separation from their ancestral knowing and spiritual core. Heidi’s loves working with birthing people, working with client’s experiencing high levels of dissociation, and serving as an advocate and accomplice for queer and gender diverse clients.

Suna Clinchard, LMFT, PMH-C

Suna Clinchard, LMFT, PMH-C (she/her) is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and specializes in perinatal mental health and reproductive trauma. She works in private practice on the east coast of Central Florida. Suna is a Certified EMDR Therapist, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, and a facilitator for foundational EMDR trainings for the Touchstone Institute and the Institute for Creative Mindfulness. In her work as a therapist, Suna loves helping people find and honor their own light in creative ways, such as connecting with the power of music and nature. She weaves mindfulness and transpersonal EMDR into her work. Suna offers passion and enthusiasm for teaching, consulting, and mentoring EMDR therapists. She recognizes personal connection as a foundation for learning and growth. A former educator in the elementary school setting, Suna has a gift for simplifying even the most complex of topics and an intention of helping therapists to feel “comfortable enough” in vulnerability, which often accompanies the developmental process of becoming an EMDR therapist.

Course Details

    1. Get to Know your Instructors

    2. Training Schedule

    3. Timed Course Agenda

    4. Learning Objectives

    5. About Course Recordings

    6. Anti-Oppression Statement from The Touchstone Institute

    1. Coming Soon!

    1. Receiving your CE Certificate

About this course

  • $350 - $450
  • November 7th and 8th, 2024
  • 12 CE's

Continuing Education Credits

Participation in all training sessions and submission of a course evaluation is required to receive a CE Certificate for this course. Course evaluations are made available after all live sessions have been completed within the course portal. After completing the evaluation, participants will be able to download their CE certificates. This training offers 12 CE credits.

  • It is your responsibility to verify CE coverage in your State or Provence.

  • The Touchstone Institute for Perinatal Training is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Touchstone Institute for Perinatal Training maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

  • The Touchstone Institute for Perinatal Training, Inc. has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7346. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Touchstone Institute for Perinatal Training, Inc. is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

  • The Touchstone Institute for Perinatal Training, [provider number:1876], is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. The Touchstone Institute for Perinatal Training maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: [1/19/2024-1/19/2025]. Social workers completing this course receive 12 continuing education credits.

  • This course is approved by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). The Touchstone Institute is an approved training provider with EMDRIA: approval #22021.

  • This course is approved by Postpartum Support International (PSI) for continuing education towards obtaining and maintaining the PMH-C

Timed Course Agenda

All times listed in EST

Day 1:


BLOCK #1: 


11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Introductions & Intentions


  1. Adaptive Information Processing- Review
  2. Overview of Phases 1 & 2
  3. The Scales, The Dance, The Lighthouse, The Canvas, The Tree
  4. Considering Intersectionality
  5. Checking Therapist Bias & Looking Through an Anti-Oppression Lens
  6. We are all Spirits having an experience in a body. 
  7. Large Group Experiential - guided meditation to awaken inner knowing.


>> 15-minute break from 12:30 PM - 12:45 PM


12:45 PM - 2:15 PM – Honoring Inner Knowing

  1. Introduce Format for Training- Phase 1 Tasks/ Phase 2 Resourcing Ideas (intro scales 
  2. Catch & Stretch- Highlighting Adaptive Information
  3. Slow bilateral stimulation to highlight and strengthen adaptive networks
  4. Expanding Across Triune Brain 
  5. Expanding Across 3 Prongs
  6. Phase 1 – ways to access existing adaptive information 
  7. Phase 2- Resourcing Ideas based on finding, strengthening and expending existing adaptive information/inner knowing 
  8. Teach – two techniques 1. Highlighting Client’s Coping Skills & Adaptive Experiences, Solution-  focused Questioning, Catching Sparks in the Narrative, 2. Future Imagining with Therapy Goals and Intention Setting
  9. Breakout rooms (30 minutes) – pick a technique and practice skills with a partner 


>>>Lunch from 2:15pm - 3:15PM




3:15 PM - 4:45 PM  - Wound and Resilience History


  1. Gathering Client’s History (expanding our definition of “history taking” to include intergenerational trauma, collective/system traumas, soul wounding, and any wounding that is meaningful to the individual)
  2. Early Attachment and developmental history
  3. Complex Trauma
  4. Trauma history/ Major Life events 
  5. Identifying Oppression/ Systemic Racism/ Intergenerational Trauma
  6. Identifying resiliency over a lifespan - how did they get through all of this and where   
    there gifts?
  7. Phase 1 – include questions to access this information, start with a container and at 
    least one coping skill to move out of activation 
  8. Phase 2- Resourcing Ideas- Creating a Support Team, Ideal Parent, Connecting with ancestors/ spirit guides, Identifying Resiliency over the Lifespan, Parts Work, Resourcing for Stabilization (Flash, EMD, etc), exploring joy as resistance
  9. Teach – Creating a Support Team and Parts Work
  10. Breakout rooms (30 minutes) – pick a technique and practice skills with a partner 


>> 15-minute break from 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM



5:00 PM - 6:30 PM – Honoring the unique nervous system in front of you


  1. Every Nervous System has Unique Qualities – how do we get to know the qualities and adapt our approach to maximize their healing potential 
  2. Capacity for Processing (vitamix analogy, do we need to slice it thinner, did they have a good enough attachment experience, dip a toe in?)
  3. Celebrating Neurodiversity and modifying the script as needed
  4. Affect Tolerance/ Window of Tolerance 
  5. Dissociation
  6. Phase 1 – Questions to explore…
  7. Phase 2- Resourcing Ideas- Practicing Titration/ Shifting States, Resources to arouse nervous system, resources to calm nervous system (breath work, humming, sensory grounding, vagal nerve reset, Jim Knipe’s Back of the Head Scale, Exploring Parts of Self, Resourcing for Stabilization (Flash, EMD, recent event protocols)
  8. Teach – how to practice titration and shifting states with clients. Model “Flash Dance”
  9. Large Group Experiential – FLASH DANCE party!


Day 2:


BLOCK #1: 


11:00 AM - 12:30 PM – Expanded Ways to Work with Themes & Beliefs


  1. Review Thematic Floatbacks (update language from “course of your life” to “through your inner knowing”)
  2. Identifying Negative Cognitions (include collective NCs)
  3. Highlighting Potential Positive/Adaptive Cognitions (include collective PCs)
  4. Strengthening and expanding PCs the client is “going for” (times in your life you felt the PC, 
    relationships you felt the PC, imagination to imagine what that might look like)
  5. Listening for Blocking Beliefs 
  6. Phase 1 – Thematic Floatback scripts with “through your inner knowing”, Floatbacks can be 
    somatic/affect-specific, get creative e.g. spirit animal with a quality they would like to move toward
  7. Phase 2- Resourcing Ideas- Highlighting Desired Internal Qualities of Self Using Animal Imagery, Highlighting potential PC’s, Future Rehearsal Exercise, Rescripting Exercise, RDI, Idealized Parent Protocol – what would it have felt like to believe this about yourself growing up?)
  8. Show 2 Demo Videos (20 minutes) -  Highlighting Desired Internal Qualities of Self Using Animal Imagery and Future Rehearsal
  9. Breakout rooms (30 minutes) – pick a technique and practice skills with a partner


>> 15-minute break from 12:30 PM - 12:45 PM


12:45 PM - 2:15 PM – Honoring the specific wounds of clients who have been historically and systematically excluded. 

  1. Overview of Colonization – source of soul wounding, wounding the earth.  Mirrored in environmental crisis. 
  2. Overview of Oppression/ Systemic Racism /Intersectionality 
  3. Overview if Intergenerational Trauma
  4. Questions to ask yourself? About your Bias?  How you view clients from these populations? – We need to do our own work before working with folx in these populations, or we risk doing more harm. 
  5. Phase 1: How do we invite these important topics into the therapy room?
  6. (cultural questioning, paying close attention to language/word choice, honoring anger/rage, name your bias and considering asking “how does it feel to be working with a therapist who is (name your difference) than you?)
  7. Phase 2:  Exploring joy as resistance, telling of their story and celebrating culture/homeland, brining ritual into session, strengthening ties to ancestors, spirit, traditions of old, land, earth; including ancestors in your support team, meditation, return to nature, drumming, prayer, music, joy)
  8. DEMO Video (20 mins) – Interviewing, catch and stretch, joy as resistance, bringing it to the future, cue word
  9. Large Group discussion about demo video


>>>Lunch from 2:15pm - 3:15 PM




3:15 PM -  4:45 PM – Consult with Experts with Lived Experience!

  1. Brief video clips from consultants who specialize in working with these populations.
    • BIPOC
    • Neurodiversity 
    • Disability
    • Gender Diversity
    • Immigrants / Language Diversity  
    • Complex Trauma 
    • Dissociation 
    • Pregnant/Perinatal 
  2. Large Group Discussion (15 minutes) – what were some takeaways? 


>> 15-minute break from 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM


5:00PM - 6:30PM – Don’t get lost in the sauce. (you’ve got this!!)

  1. When are we ready to move to Phase 3 and beyond and where do we start?
  2. How do we know when they’re resourced enough? (ability to shift states, demonstrated that they use their resources in session and in life,) REMINDER – you can always go back to phases 1 and 2, and sometimes you won’t uncover what is needed until you peel back layers in reprocessing. 
  3. Target Sequencing Planning (Client’s gut about starting point, Client’s nervous system capacity  - Dip a toe in? - Need a win? - Dissolve skepticism? - On fire?,  Timing Considerations - Limited sessions, Cannot “fall apart” right now, Legal considerations; Clearing Touchstone (earliest memory first?)
  4. Case Vignette in Breakout rooms (30 minutes) – Using the skills and resources taught in this training as well as your unique flavor/clinical specialties, work in groups to conceptualize working with this client. 
  5. Large Group - Questions & Closing Discussion (30 minutes)


Tiered pricing options for this course:

Questions? See our FAQ below.

More about our pricing:

We offer tiered pricing for all of our trainings in order to make our courses accessible to as many practitioners as possible. If you are unsure which tier of payment is right for your financial situation, please read through our FAQ section below or visit our website.

Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you are interested in a multi-month payment plan. We are always happy to create a custom payment plan to make it more feasible for everyone to participate in our courses. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, the learner will be able to: 

(1) Describe 3 key tenets of the Adaptive Information Processing model. 
(2) Identify objectives of phases 1 & 2 in EMDR standard protocol. 
(3) Explain 3 ways that the information we gather in Phase 1 informs Phase 2 work, based on the specific needs of each client. 
(4) Discuss the impact of intersectionality for both client and therapist in phases 1 & 2. 
(5) Create a personal plan for ongoing growth of working through an anti-oppression lens and checking bias. 
(6) Identify 2 ways of honoring and honing inner knowledge when working with clients. 
(7) Explain the significance of building adaptive information before beginning reprocessing phases in EMDR therapy. 
(8) List 3 questions for identifying and client’s strengths, resiliency, and coping skills while gathering Phase 1 history taking. 
(9) Practice Phase 2 Resourcing techniques for strengthening adaptive information across 3prongs (past, present, future) and across the triune brain.
(10) List interview questions and points of curiosity for gathering information on early attachment experiences, developmental history, major life events and trauma history, intergenerational trauma, oppression, and systemic racism. 
(11) Identify at least 2 resourcing techniques to address attachment and developmental trauma. 
(12) Identify at least 2 resourcing techniques to prepare the client’s unique nervous system for reprocessing phases.
(13) Articulate ways the therapist can explore themes and cognitions, and ways to begin preparing client for reprocessing
(14) Demonstrate target sequence planning using the idea of the back and forth see-saw approach.
(15) Name the various forms of wounding caused by colonization, intergenerational trauma, oppression, and systemic racism and articulate ways to work with clients who have been systematically devalued and exploited. 
(16) Identify additional considerations during history taking and resourcing when working  with specific populations including traumas specific to the BIPOC communityclients with neurodiversity, clients with disability, gender diverse clients, immigrants, clients form whom English is a second languageclients experiencing complex trauma, clients with dissociation, and perinatal-specific traumas.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the Generative Access tier right for me?

    Select this tier if you: Own the home you live in (even with a mortgage); live in a two-income household; have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money; travel recreationally; have access to family money and resources in times of need; work part-time by choice, etc.

  • Is the Sustaining Access tier right for me?

    Select this tier if you: Have income available for recreational activities (going out to dinner, movies, concerts etc.); have consistent work compensated at a median income rate based on your region; pay rent that is not more than 25% of your monthly household income; do not own your own home, etc.

  • Is the Supported Access tier right for me?

    Select this tier if you: Are a graduate student paying tuition; have major medical expenses not covered by insurance; have been denied work, or experience discrimination related to ableism, racism, sexism, gender discrimination or other forms of oppression; are eligible for public assistance; have immigration-related expenses; have ever been denied work due to incarceration history; are supporting adult children, extended family members in need or have other adult dependents; are an elder with limited financial support; are primarily working in a setting with under-resourced populations and your income reflects this work, etc.

  • Are there payment plan options available?

    Yes! We are happy to work with you to create a payment plan that fits your needs. Please reach out to us over email with a brief description of the length of the plan that you are interested in using to pay for this course: [email protected].

  • How can I learn more about your pricing?

    Please visit our website for more information on our approach to pricing our trainings:

  • What is your refund policy?

    More than 14 days notice is required for a full refund minus 7% administrative fee. Cancellations made within 14 days of training are eligible for a 50% refund or full transfer to another training within The Touchstone Institute. Only 1 transfer to another training is allowed. If you can not attend the transferred training your fee will be forfeited. No-shows are not eligible for a refund or transfer. Exceptions to this policy are limited to medically documented circumstances or family bereavements. Failure to attend without prior notification (no-shows) will not qualify for a refund.

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